Saturday 6 July 2013

Upper Arm Exercises With Light Weights For Women

The upper arms can be a trouble spot for women  especially the flab on the back of the arm that seems to flop in the wind when you wave. While you cannot spot-lose fat on the upper arms, you can engage in regular toning exercises that help to firm up the upper arm. These exercises don't involve heavy weights. To tone the upper arms, you can lift light weights and increase the repetitions. Start by grabbing a pair of 2- to 5-pound hand weights and get ready to tone.                                      
We all want those upper arms exercises that don't flap in the wind when we're waving hello, right? If you've got time and a couple of two-pound weights, I've got five exercises that will get your limbs looking svelte and sexy. Don't worry if you don't have weights you can even do them without for some excellent toning.

The exercises to lose weight in the arms are the same as the exercises to lose weight everywhere else. The body cannot be told to lose weight in just one place. By eating fewer calories than one uses each day, he or she will lose weight from all parts of the body (with some parts of the body holding on to body fat more so than other parts).

Most women focus on single-joint exercises, like biceps curls, which work primarily one muscle, says Davis. "Doing complex moves recruits more muscle fibers and works your upper body to total fatigue." That means you'll burn more calories and shed arm fat faster, Upper Back Exercises your arms, shoulders, and upper back will be sleek in time for their big reveal.

Biceps Curl
Your biceps are the front part of the upper arm that make for a flattering figure when you are wearing a tank or halter top. To perform, take a weight in each hand and turn your palms toward the wall in front of you. Contract your biceps muscles to lift the weights, palms in, toward your chest. Slowly control your weights as you lower them to your starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for two additional sets.

The pullover exercise tones your shoulders and triceps to eliminate underarm jiggle. To perform, lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Take a dumbbell in each hand and put your weights together with your palms facing each other. Control the weights as you keep the arms straight and lower the weights to the ground behind you. The weights should slightly touch the ground, then slowly lift the arms to return to your starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times. Rest for 30 seconds and perform one to two additional sets.

arm press
The arm press exercise is a functional exercise, meaning it simulates real-life motions to help you tone the upper arms. Regularly performing this exercise means you can raise your arm without feeling apprehensive. Start by taking one dumbbell in each hand. Bend your arms at your elbows and take your hands to your right shoulders. Push up with the weights to lift the dumbbells overhead. Your arms should be extended and your palms facing each other. Slowly lower to your starting position and repeat 10 times on the right side. Switch over to your right side for 10 repetitions. Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat for one to two sets.

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