Tuesday 6 August 2013

Yoga for Arthritis: Move to Manage Your Pain

The fact is those living with arthritis need regular exercise in order to manage their symptoms and help keep their joints functioning properly. Yoga has been proven to help manage the symptoms of various forms of arthritis. Several studies focusing specifically on the potential bbenefits of  Iyengar Yoga have been conducted showing significant results on the management of arthritis pain.

Popular belief holds that arthritis is a sickness of the aged. But while age does increase the risk and vulnerability of people to arthritis, even children, teenagers, and young adults can have it. yoga for arthritis Cases of arthritis among children are generally termed as Juvenile Arthritis.

The slow, controlled physical movement of joints is helpful for Arthritis patients. It improves the blood circulation in joints, removing unwanted toxins and other waste products. But the problem in the patients is if patient tries to move his limbs & joints then pain increases so patient does not move the limbs and problem increases. So it is vicious cycle, because of pain no movements and because there is no movement, the situation becomes worse. yoga tips for beginners So patient should keep doing the movements which are possible for him.

Most therapy-based, restorative, and hatha styles of yoga can do the trick in helping to manage arthritic pain as long as they are low-impact, taught safely, and focus on proper movement patterns.

You're never too young or too old to reap the health benefits of yoga. Find out how all types of yoga can improve your health.Yoga, the Sanskrit word for "union", is a practice that uses posture and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength, and its health benefits may surpass those of any other activity.

Yoga movements can help the body by increasing strength and flexibility, while the meditative parts of the practice help the mind, allowing you to sleep better and feel more energetic and happy. RA patients also report reduced pain as a result of regular yoga practice.

Yoga can range in intensity from restful to athletic. A person with spinal arthritis may benefit from therapeutic poses, Turczan tells me. It's a matter of modifying poses so they fit your pain level or condition, and making sure you are not working in pain. In order to do this, you can "use pillows or bolsters strategically to help support and stretch the spine at the same time."

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